Monday 1 April 2013

Top 20 Joke Ideas of Fool's Day

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  1. Saran wrap things such as the doorway, the toilet, their car. 
  2. On your victim's boxers, stitch the fly shut. 
  3. You can also stitch the bottom of a leg of pants shut, or just use safety pins. 
  4. Find an image of an awkward looking mouth and chin, print it out if it's online or cut it out if it's in a magazine. Tape it to the bottom of your victim's coffee mug, making sure it doesn't show around the edges. When they go to drink their coffee, it will look like they have that mouth, but they won't know. 
  5. Put a piece of tape over the sensor on the remote control. 
  6. Fake a sneeze by using a squirt bottle to just mist someone's neck as you pretend to sneeze right behind them. 
  7. Put just a little bit of Vaseline on a doorknob. 
  8. On the back of their car, place a sign that says "Happy April Fool's Day, please honk". The victim won't be able to figure out why people are honking until they look at the back of the car. 
  9. Give your children "juice" to drink with a straw, but instead of real juice give them gelled Jell-O. Put an electric fence sign on a wooden fence.
  10. Swap sugar in sugar bowl for salt.
  11. Clean the filling out of an Oreo cookie, then replace with white toothpaste.
  12. Put up a for rent sign on their front lawn and write on it that those interested should knock on the door.
  13. Get up early and park the car around the corner and pretend it was stolen. Fess up with this one quickly to prevent the victim from calling the police in panic.
  14. Fill the conditioner bottle with something else creamy such as mayonnaise or yogurt.
  15. Put a note on your victim's car. Write on the note "Sorry about the dent." Then write down a fake name and phone number. The victim will search heir car for the dent.
  16. Replace the top inch or so of your victim's deodorant with cream cheese.
  17. Set random alarms around the house to go off at various times.
  18. Frost a piece of Styrofoam like a cake.
  19. Wrap toilet paper back and forth across a doorway so when the person opens their door in the morning they run into the tp barrier.
  20. Leave a Walkie-Talkie under your pet's bed and wait until your victim gets close to the pet. Use the other Walkie-Talkie to make it seem like the pet is talking to your victim.

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